Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Officially here

Well, I've finally finished transfering my old blog entries over to this location. So here I am, or as much as me as resides on the internet, anyhow. I've still got lots of monkeying to do with this site, but for today I guess I should put the monkeys back in the cage and get back to work on my lesson for the teens tomorrow. Thanks to all who drop by; read and comment to your hearts' content. Your reading and commenting makes my heart more content.


At 12:17 AM, Blogger Poppasan said...

So tell me about wrestling. AFAIK only teenagers and very young men do it. Is that just muscle soreness, or actual bruises?

Since rugby exists, I have to ask.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Minister said...

Thanks for dropping by, Will. Hope you're feeling OK. As far as wrestling goes, I guess I should really devote a post to that one.


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