Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Busy weekend

February 5th

Well, this weekend lived up to the last couple of weeks. Naturally I worked Friday night. Saturday morning, while doing some prep kinds of things I got a phone call that an elderly lady (about 95) in our church had passed away early that morning. She is the oldest of four generations of her family who attend our church. Naturally, Paul Funchess and I went over to spend some time with her daughter (by now probably in her seventies herself) in the afternoon. We'll be having the viewing tomorrow afternoon and night (I can only make the afternoon time because of work). The funeral will be Tuesday morning. There is no question in any of our minds that this lady is in heaven. But many in her extended family are probably not saved, so keep them in your prayers.

Saturday evening we had our men's steakout at the church. Funchess and I did most of the legwork (well, between us I think we did pretty much all of it, and he did most of it himself). The food was terrific (Dr. Stagno said several times that he doesn't think he's ever had a better steak -- just goes to show that those western guys know their beef.) We had a solid turnout, which included my friend Jason Bross. All in all, the event went extremely well.

The service this morning required a little impromptu juggling, since the children's Sunday School teacher didn't show (her grandmother was the lady who passed away). My wife taught the class, and I got drafted to ride herd on a three-year-old tornado kid. Didn't help that the service went quite long. I'm so glad I'm not called to teach little kids.

This afternoon, we went to the NYC Catholic High School wrestling tournament. The kids I've worked with from Farrell were wrestling, and wrestling quite well, I might add. They ended up with nine guys in the finals, and a goodly number of those won. The top four from each weight class get to compete in the Mayor's Cup next weekend, and the top five get to go to the Catholic state tournament.

Tonight, we watched the first half of the Super Bowl at a church member's house (lest anyone think we were skipping church to do so, our church does not have a Sunday evening service). We came back here to finish watching Paul Funchess' Steelers knock off the Seahawks.

Whew. Well, this has been pretty dry; sorry about that. I'll try to say something interesting some other time; if I try to be funny now, it'll just make this longer. Toodles!


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