Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Last Sunday

January 27th

Well, this is a bit late, due to craziness at work for the most part. I'll have to touch on that in another post. Dr. Stagno is out of town on vacation, so I handled the service on Sunday and again on Wednesday. Paul Funchess will preach this coming Sunday and Wednesday.

The service Sunday went extremely well, really. I was pretty tired from the insane week before, but we had an excellent turnout. Funchess' early class on personal witness went well, and had a person or two show up that we didn't expect. In spite of the absence of the Stagno clan and several other regulars, we had probably the best turnout in months for the morning service. There was a return visitor (always a good sign), and a family visiting who had just moved up here from Texas with the Coast Guard; both seemed very positive that we would see them again. I spoke on the subject of judgment (when it is appropriate for Christians to judge, what we should judge, who we should judge, and how); I have a post on this blog some time back on the subject, so I won't go over it again. In any case, we were very encouraged by the whole thing.

A matter for prayer for those of you who pray is that an elderly lady in our church (she's about 97) has been admitted to the hospital with several health problems.


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