Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Caution: God at work

I left off on the church reports with last Wednesday, I believe. Well, my wife taught the children's class last Wednesday with the regular teacher absent, and she was privileged to lead another girl to the Lord.

Thursday, a young lady whose life just came crashing in came to the church in need of help with her rent; the church helped her a bit. Thursday night, I went by her house with one of our young men, and she accepted Christ as her Savior.

Saturday evening, we held our men's fellowship at the church. About 25 men and boys showed up, and we had a great time. Missionary Karl Sapp (of North Pole, Alaska, by the way) brought a challenge. One of the men in attendance was my good friend and ex-boss, the Pender Post's brilliant young editor Mike Todd. After the event, he went up to interview Brother Sapp, and wound up being led to the Lord! Mike was in church Sunday night, and we're really hoping he sticks with it.

Sunday morning, a Mexican man joined the church (he's been attending for quite a while now), and he brought a friend who chose to receive Christ. My wife also got to lead another child to Christ after my brother taught the children's church.

This week, we're off to West Virginia with folk from our church and two others on Wednesday to do some tract distribution on Thursday, try whitewater rafting on Friday, then return on Saturday (prior to Pastor Gibbs' retirement ceremony on Sunday).


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