Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Thursday, June 07, 2007

More of the same (Hallelujah and yikes!)

Bible Baptist Church continues to see people making professions of faith, though some folk cut things a little too close for comfort. A lady in our church had a sister who was dying of cancer (not that old, either). With her sister on her deathbed, the lady from our church was able to lead her to the Lord Sunday night. The sister died Monday morning. Just before she died, our church member and an unbelieving brother heard her saying, "I see Jesus."

On Tuesday night, we went out on visitation, and I didn't expect much from it. I was praying that we'd see someone saved, but we usually don't have many men out on Tuesday, it had just been thunderstorming (which cuts down on our turnout usually), pastor was out of town, and we had enough follow-up work to do to tie up a couple of teams.

To my surprise, we had a good turnout, enough for three teams. I went with David to visit the folk he had led to the Lord last week (some of that follow-up work). Strangely, although he had just bought a fairly new used car, his car was dripping some oil. It didn't look major, so we headed out, and he figured he'd get it checked the next day.

We had a good visit with the first new convert and headed over to the next. There, to our surprise, we found two new young black men hanging out. My throat was really scratchy, so David was doing most of the talking. He launched into the plan of salvation, and by the end of the evening, both of them decided to pray with him. (Incidentally, in case anyone out there in the ether is wondering, we make it a point to leave the decision in people's own hands -- we tell them the truth as best we can without being ugly or unnecessarily confrontational, then let them make a decision.)

Time for, um, coincidence to strike again. David, who has been at the heart of our little revival here, had his car's water pump go out on him. Just for added good measure, when he opened his glove compartment (likely to pull out the manual), the whole glove compartment fell out! (Keep in mind that this is practically a brand new car.)

Well, David drove his loaner vehicle in Wednesday night, and led a teenage girl to the Lord in his Wednesday night class.

We're just really hoping that the decisions these people have made will begin to transform lives. If you're the praying sort, pray to that end with us, please.


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