Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why I love my newspaper job, part 4,523 (or so)

We got to see a terrific basketball game last night. The Pender Patriots played one of the Columbus County teams, South Columbus, I think, but it might have been East -- the Gators, anyhow. Ugly uniforms the Gators have, quite nearly as ugly as their namesakes. But man, they had some guys that could play a pretty game of basketball. One of the Pender players (I ran into him at the grocery store) told me the Gators were ranked eighth in the state. I'd believe it.

But after a tight, back-and-forth game marked by fast play and sloppy officiating, the Patriots came out on top. It's a big feather in their cap to win over that team as the season winds down. And it was a blast for my wife, daughter, and I. Particularly since we got in free with my press pass. And I got the proverbial front-row seat to take pictures of the school principal kissing a pig at half-time for a fundraiser. See why I love my work?

Once I find out which shot the paper plans to use, maybe I'll post a different one. Then maybe he'll pay me to take it down. Does that count as a separate reason for loving the job?


At 5:12 PM, Blogger Sean Markey said...

Hey! Sounds like a lot of fun. Also... it's about time you updated this thing!



At 10:15 PM, Blogger Minister said...

Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me -- the new edition comes out tomorrow, so I should be able to post a pic or two of the pig smoochin' without stepping on the paper's toes.

Thanks for stopping by.

-Dan, who should be writing about the redistricting mess instead of checking his blog.


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