Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A short Monday

Well, one more Monday is done with (and Tuesday, by now, I suppose). This was a short one -- I only put in 18 hours, getting off at about 3 a.m. on Tuesday instead of the usual after 6 a.m.

Tuesdays usually really stink -- even though I go in a little late after the 21-hour Monday, it's a bleary eyed, mind-numbing ordeal of proofreading and frantically fixing and plugging holes. This Tuesday was different, but no less bleary-eyed and mind-numbing. I had to be down in Rocky Point at 8:30 a.m. for the second day of the commissioners' retreat (remember what time I got off last night). And there I stayed until after four this afternoon, listening to the various speakers address the commissioners.

Of course, ordinarily on a Tuesday, when the last page of the paper is sent to the printer and we've chatted about the tentatively planned articles for the next week (called the "budget"), I'm free to go home and be a worthless blob of exhaustion. But tonight, we are still in special services for missions month, so off we went to church. Good service, but it's amazing that I stayed awake for the whole thing (shucks, it's amazing I stayed awake for my own special music.)

Also ordinarily, I would sleep in on Wednesday until my wife cruelly wakes me at some ridiculously late hour (often around noon). But tomorrow, the commissioners are meeting at 8:30 a.m. again. Although they were scheduled to be done after a half day, I think they looked at my sleepless, bloodshot eyes, and promptly decided to have one of their bimonthly meetings immediately after the end of the retreat. And they held over an item from today additionally that will probably take an hour.


By way of update, my Dad is out of ICU, but still in the hospital. He's having trouble swallowing.


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