Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bus whoas

Yes, the title spelling is deliberate. The bus on which we replaced the engine broke down already; it's back in the shop, with us trying to find a way to get it operational that won't cost another fortune, or determine that it will cost a fortune and abandon it to buy another cheap one.

We're still on schedule to purchase the newer one we already had planned, but we're not sure if it's going to be ready for us by Sunday. I'm hoping and praying that one of them will be usable for Sunday morning -- the 40-some-odd kids that we've brought in the last couple of weeks are probably too many to get with the van and individual cars.

An unfortunate side effect of all this expense with the buses we already have is that we may not be able to purchase a new van immediately; we've already had to pass on one good deal because we just didn't have the cash for a decent down payment after what we've committed to pay for buses.

On the upside, we had a missionary here last night, Darwin Tolibas of the Philippines, and he did a terrific job (even without his slides and display -- both destroyed when he was rear-ended a few weeks ago) of both singing (while accompanying himself on guitar) and preaching. He has already planted one church in the Philippines, and he is now raising support to return and plant a second. Again with the money sadness -- I wish we had the money to take on every worthwhile missionary who comes through.


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