Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Review: How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy

August 14th, 2005

This review will be pretty simple. If you are starting to write scifi or fantasy, you really should read How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, by Orson Scott Card.

It's not a general writing book, and it won't help you much with plot, characters, viewpoint, grammar, or other general aspects of writing. But its information and advice about writing speculative fiction is succinct and superb. Much of what is in this book, I'd already picked up from a scattering of places, including Card's website. But I'm sure glad that I've got it in one codified place now. There are many people who are capable of writing great material, but not of explaining how to do it. Card is not one of them. This book is well organized, simple, and straightforward. Incredibly useful. I'll keep this short, and just say that if you're ever inclined to write speculative fiction, this book should probably be the first one you pick up.


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