Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Football disappointments

December 3rd, 2005

...And this time, they didn't involve the Giants! No, thanks for asking, but I don't want to talk about last week's game with the Seahawks.

Paul Funchess and I went to two football games today. A family in the church who started attending recently told us that their fifth grade son was playing in his league championship football game today. So he and I decided to go watch the game and spend a little time with the family. We had true football weather for the day -- you know, the sort in which you have to check the ground after every step or so to make sure your nose and fingers haven't fallen off yet, since you can't feel them. While we watched, we realized that another boy who comes to the church was also on the team, so we chatted with his family also. It was good to see both families. Sadly, the team narrowly lost the game (I'm getting all too used to those last minute, narrow football losses, as a Giants fan.) But while we were there, we found out the the second boy's older brother also had his league championship this afternoon.

Paul and I returned and had lunch with Wenonah and Anna, then we went back to watch the older brother's football game. We then spent another hour or so checking after every step for our noses and fingers. Turns out that this team also had a kid I coached in wrestling last year. That game was tied at the end of regulation, when the other team ran one more play -- and scored. Both games lost, by only one score. Poor kids. And rather disturbing how seriously a lot of the parents took these games. But I'm glad that Paul and I went, and I think we cemented a little tighter the relationship between our ministry and those families.


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