Minister's Study

Ministering, writing, and wrestling in a land flowing with sweet tea and deep-fried food

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Here and Back Again

We're back from our Pennsylvania vacation with my wife's parents. We had a lot of fun, got a little exercise, and saw some neat wildlife. Along the way, we hiked the trails around Bushkill Falls, canoed down a goodly stretch of the Delaware, and visited Valley Forge and some historic sites in Philadelphia. Importantly to me, we caught a few fish (I don't think I'd ever caught carp, small-mouth bass, or pickeral before, so that was neat.) Importantly to my daughter we saw several cool critters. She says that she was most impressed with the beaver she saw (this was also the first time I'd ever seen a beaver in the wild, and they came very close to the canoes). Next for her was the daddy long-legs I convinced her to let walk across her hands. It tickled. She also loved the bullfrog I caught for her by the waterfalls. I personally found the bald eagles much neater -- we saw two, both perched and in flight. One let us canoe practically right up under the tree it was perched in.

This week, we're packing for departure (we leave Wednesday of next week.) My wife's parents were immensely helpful in taking the last couple days of their vacation to help us get a jump on packing and cleaning. I'm also still casting around for jobs in the Wilmington area and a place to rent. Fortunately, we can stay in the church's prophet chamber and store our stuff in one of their buildings while we look, if need be.


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